My Diary


October 31; Wednesday HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

What is it with me and my habit of liking to get less than 5 hours of sleep before my busiest day of the week? I got three hours of sleep again last night. I'm thinking of my sleep habits over the last few weeks and have noticed it as such in hours starting with Sunday night: 7, 10, 4, 10, 7, 9, 7. Sooo weird. Why I only get 3-4 hours on Tuesday night I cannot guess. It probably has to do with my work load on Tuesdays and the fact that I get up at 6:30 on Wednesday. Anyway, I'm perfectly fine today. I'm like, not tired at all. Which is weird. I guess when you stay up really late for a really good reason you don't punish yourself by being tired the next day. Or maybe it's my mood that's keeping me happy (okay, glowing) and not tired. :D
3 classes down, one to go. And I still have the reading to do for it. Then I'm going home and having dinner with friends and then going to the Halloween dance! Woo! I cannot wait for this! Who knows what may happen throughout the evening... Hmm...
I have absolutely no clue what my American Heritage professor just tried to teach me in my lecture today. That's probably a bad thing. Especially since I have an exam on Tuesday... crap. I hate this class.
Do not fret, I will most definitely write about my evening when I get home from the dance.
I'm not going into detail. I'm just going to say it was everything I thought it would be and more. (Happy thought)

October 30; Tuesday

I think too much...
Amanda and I are pretty much THE coolest people ever ever. She comes over all the time and we sing Moulin Rouge. Uh, yeah it can't get any better. Also, we made a video for one of Wistie's friends and he replied and was like, "Where is Wistie? I want to see her." And Wistie was gone so we drew her and put her face on me. So she was there. And it was the best video ever made. But he thought we were weird. Okay, he's lame.

Wow. Um, and wow. Wow. :D <--- That is me! Sometimes when you force yourself to stop thinking and just let life happen, you have a sudden... enlightenment. Remember to always trust your feelings.
I learned how to waltz. I waltzed all the way around the block! And I stargazed. I am happy! Aaaaand I can't sleep. Uh oh... sometimes I hate being a girl. So, I don't want to describe this again, so refer back to October 3.

October 29; Monday

Happy half-birthday to me! I'm now officially 18 1/2. Although, once you're past age 10 I'm not sure if you're supposed to celebrate it. But we did anyway. Well, sort of. Okay, so we're going on a trip to the past. About two(?) months ago, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, and I met some guy on the sidewalk in front of our building. We were soo incredibly hyper I'm surprised we didn't scare him away. Anyway, we talked to him for about 30 minutes or so and found out he's a music major, so we Wistie said he has to come sing to us sometime. He asked when her birthday was and it's in May, so he said, well I'll have to sing for your half birthday. Then he asked all of our birthdays and found out mine was October 29 so I was the first to be "treated" to a serenade. So last night I was walking outside with Amber and he remembered, took us into the multipupose building where the piano was, and sang to me. It was nice. Maybe a tinsy bit weird because I don't know him except for facebook and that one night. But I've never had someone sing for me before, so it was nice.
For FHE my family went tumbling at a gym thingy outside of Provo. It was fun except that I can barely do a cartwheel, so I didn't really know what I was doing. And, just like clutzy me, I twisted my ankle. Of course. I knew that was going to happen. So I couldn't walk on it last night but it feels okay now. I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious.

October 28; Sunday

So I didn't write all weekend. To tell the truth, nothing happened this weekend. On Friday it was my brother's birthday, and we went to the best restaurant ever! It's called Sakura. It's a Japanese grill and you order your meal, and then the chef comes to your table that has a grill on it. He cooks the meal right in front of you! It's sooo cool! The chefs are funny, too. Very entertaining. And the food is to die for. I had fillet mignon and chicken. The whole experience was amazing. If it wasn't kinda pricey then I would go all the time.
And I went shopping with my sister-in-law and brother. I got a winter jacket, a long sleeved shirt and a sweater. I want to go back when I'm not so tired to go get more stuff because I need winter clothes. I don't have many.
So I must go. I should probably get a good amount of sleep tonight. Adieu.

October 25; Thursday

Wow. Allison + PMS = Overly emotional wreck that does and says stupid things. Pleeease ignore what I said yesterday. I promise promise that I'm fine.
On another note, I took a dance exam today. I know all of the dances, and am a good dancer so I shouldn't have a problem, right? Well, not really. Every time I knew she was watching I messed up. How typical. And I hate getting stuck with a partner that isn't a good dancer. I don't mean that I hate dancing with bad dancers, I just don't like being graded on my dancing ability when I'm trying to dance with someone that doesn't know what they're doing.
So that's about it for me today. I felt like looking really cute so I wore a black skirt that has an angled hem, and a 3/4 sleeve pink shirt. I think I look pretty hot ;) Well, maybe cute is a better word for it. I got some compliments today from workers at the Cougareat. Although most of them asked what was so special that I dressed up for. I had the excuse that I was taking a dance exam. But why all of a sudden is it "dressing up" if you wear a skirt any day of the week? They aren't just reserved for church, ya know. Just because I'm not wearing jeans like everyone else doesn't mean something special is going on.
I really really feel like watching Ocean's 11. But alas, I do not have it. I must fix this
Amanda said I'm going to die. She said my meat was rotten. Just because it turned brown in the fridge doesn't mean it's rotten. It's less than a week old, anyway. But she scared me so I threw the rest of it away. I did eat a hamburger with it about 15 minutes ago, so if I start dieing tomorrow I'll know what caused it. She better not be right.
Okay I missed Heroes on Monday, so I'm going to watch it now. Bonsoir.

October 24; Wednesday

You know what? I bet even the best actresses can't keep a certain character going all the time. 24/7.
Life hits you hard sometimes. It can be the ultimate best it's ever been, like nothing you've ever experienced, and then it all disappears one day. But this has happened to me so many times before, I know I can deal. This is going to be hard. No doubt. Probably the hardest thing I've ever done. But I can be patient. I will.
It's not me I'm worried about. I wish I could help, but I'm afraid I would only make everything worse. Tell me what to do! I'm getting so frustrated because the best thing for me to do now is to be patient. Just....... wait.
And I will. I will for as long as it takes. 1 week? 2? a month? how about all year? More? I will.
And I doubt no one knows what I'm talking about. But that's okay because sometimes it's good to have a little mystery in life. Wouldn't you agree?
I'm pathetic. And don't you dare try to argue with me. I already know it. I'm a pathetic girl who doesn't think or make rational decisions. A hopeless wonder.
And yet... I wouldn't ever have it any other way.

Wow you have no idea how foolish I feel now. I really shouldn't write when I'm emotional and don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry about that. All's well. I have half the mind to erase all I wrote earlier, but since I took the time to write it, I won't.

October 19; Friday- More like an "explosion" of a rant.

I have an incredible amount of chalk in my hair right now. My chem teacher blew up a balloon full of C2H2, which if you know anything about chemistry, you know it creates an amazing amount of energy. Before he did, he warned everyone to plug their ears. And I know why. It was the biggest, most high energy thing I have ever experienced. It pushed me back and my hair flew back. The best part is that it exploded the chalk in the chalk holder by the board, and dust and tiny pieces flew everywhere. We had to leave the room for a few minutes so the dust could settle because we were all choking on it. And, must to my professor's pleasure, another professor left his class to come find us to complain about it. Okay, he was furious and wanted to protect his precious MARB, but he was just jealous because you can't blow stuff up in biology.
Okay, I have the HUGEST pet peeve. I just can't stand it! So I was just in the multipurpose building practicing piano a little bit, and one of the workers there came in and told me I couldn't practice in the chapel. This is why I am soooo annoyed right now. 1) It's only dedicated as a chapel between 9 and 4 on Sundays. Every other time of the week it's a normal room in the multipurpose building. That what the bishop told us and why we're allowed to have ward prayer in there. 2) If I knew I wasn't supposed to be in there, I wouldn't be in there. Therefore, I know I'm allowed to be in there. So stop telling me what to do. 3) I have to obey because I can't ignore her and keep playing while she's standing there. I know she's just trying to to her job or whatever, but I'm really pissed off right now. I know I shouldn't be so mad about this, but this I get this mad every time something like this happens! When I know what I'm doing and people try to boss me around or tell me I'm doing something wrong I cannot stand it! I think this actually is my number one pet peeve. It's stupid, yes, I know, but I HATE it. I could keep going on how much I hate it. And it happens all the time. Stupid people who think they know better than you and try to tell you what to do. A lot of people just need to shut up. Oooh my blood is just boiling.

<DIV>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; And while I'm on the topic of stupid people, I'm going to&nbsp;complain about students in my classes who have what I have named&nbsp;Professor Syndrome. You know the kind of kids who think they know everything and always have to speak up in class, try to answer all the questions even when they're not called on, try to correct you or "help" you when you don't ask for it. There are SO many people like this in my chemistry class! Example: I was doing my lab last Friday, and there was this one girl I wasn't working with or anything, and she came up behind me and tried to tell me I had a wrong answer. She then continued to try and teach me what I had done wrong, and when I tried to ignore her she followed me around. I finally got fed up with it, told her that I was right and she was wrong. She then went to the TA who told her exactly what I did, and she tried to teach the TA how to do the problem. WTF get over yourself and realize that you're stupid! And shut up!
That is all.

October 17; Wednesday

It is possible to function perfectly fine on 3 hours of sleep. I am walking, talking proof. Anecdote: I came home yesterday about 6:00 after taking a midterm. I worked on chemistry, then cleaned the apartment. Then watched TRANSFORMERS! Yeah that's right! Such a good movie. Josh came over and we watched it. He stayed until about 11, then I went over to Amber's to work on homework. But what I estimated would take me about 1-1 1/2 hours took waaaay longer. It was then that Amber proposed an all-nighter. I thought she was crazy. Until I kept working until 2 AM when she went to bed. 3 hours of work and&nbsp;I had finished my chemistry and a tiny fraction of an article critique for my psychology class. AHHHH I was so stressed! I came home and looked up the answers for my Marriage and Family class quiz for this morning. Finally, at 3:30 AM I gently drifted off to sleep.
3 hours later, at 6:30, I woke up and went to Provo High School to proctor a test called the something BSCT. So I walked around for over an hour watching kids take this test. It was soooo boring and they didn't need me there. Then I went about my day as usual, except I worked on my article critique before American Heritage (quite loopy), and finally finished writing the critique after class, and read 2 chapters of my book. WHEW I finished it all! And yet I still have a never-ending, forever growing pile of stuff to do. I have a dance quiz tomorrow, and have to finish reading Just and Holy Principles and write an essay on it tomorrow. So I've been up for 17 hours, running on 3 hours of sleep, and now Amanda and I are playing on our computers making them talk and do the lines from Moulin Rouge. Now she's making it say "fart". haha The Office. Good times. So this weekend, I can't wait to sit back, relax, and enjoy my weekend. Until I start studying for my second Chem exam I'm taking Monday. *whimper* Atleast I have a fun weekend ahead of me!

October 15; Monday


I have THE busiest week ever this week! Help! So I probably won't be writing much... Um, so yeah. This weekend = pretty much amazingest weekend of all so far. I'm including today in that category. I had the most fun with my friends! Oh my heck it was so great. I'm exhausted and backed up with work (which I'm paying for now) but it was worth it. And I owe so many phone calls to people it's rediculous. I haven't talked to like anyone from home the last week or two. So, I'm sorry everyone. I don't talk to anyone anymore. But that's why you read this! So you can still see what I'm doing.
I owed my roommates and unofficial roommates M&amp;Ms this last week. hehe. And now apparently I owe them Peach-Os. But no ice cream. Yet. hehe no one knows what I'm talking aboooout! But I do and it's funny. Wow I'm kinda hyper! Soooooo hi.
BYU won this weekend against UNLV! Woo! I cheered extra hard. It was fun. And, and, and, my roommates and I made up a new word. We are Mahots. It's a group on facebook and you have to be a Mahot to be a member. Are you a Mahot? I swear I'm not high or anything. I don't do that kind of thing.
Transformers comes out tomorrow! I'm excited. Oh I watched a movie called Evening Saturday night. The trailer looked so good. The movie was disappointing. It was tragic, but not a good, like end to a good story tragic ending. There wasn't a story that was told. It was almost pointless. I didn't like it. Oh well.
Muahaha I stayed out in someone else's room an hour and a half passed curfew! I'm naughty hehe. It was much fun. It was only Saturday night so I don't understand the curfew thing anyway.
Okay I should go sleep now. Goodnight. Muah.

PS Life is still wonderful, and even more wonderful than ever. pretty much.

October 12; Friday

Isn't life wonderful?

October 10; Wednesday

"I thought you were supposed to be a tutor. You can't do this math stuff?" Ouch. When that boy said that to me I just thought, "Yeah, sorry kid. I know I don't belong here." But unfortunately, I have to do it for a class. Don't get me wrong. I love helping and giving my time to volunteering (even if it is early in the morning). It's not my fault I've never had to divide radicals by hand in my life after my pre-algebra class. It's only to be expected that I wouldn't remember how to do them. Oh, and box and whisker plots. Yeah all my teachers thought they were pointless and never taught it to me. And what did I have to teach today? Box and whisker plots. Luckily I watched the other tutor explain one of the problems to a student and learned it. It's really not hard. I will say that my time was rewarding for just one reason. There was a girl sitting in the back who was in tears, and I went to ask if she needed help, or someone to listen, and she turned me away at first. But then after a few minutes she called me back over and admitted that she needed help. After going over the stuff with her she cheered up considerably and was fine. Wow. This is why I love helping people. I don't care that I can't stop world hunger by tutoring sophomore math, I just love being able to say that I helped just one person to have a better day and not worry. And really, I don't think it was just the math frustrating her. I think something else was bothering her. Girls can just tell this stuff.
OH my chemistry teacher blew more stuff up today! It was awesome. And more good news! I got an 81% on my psych midterm yesterday, and I went to my psych class this evening. And for next wednesday I have homework to either go to the museum, go ice skating, or go to the zoo. How cool is that? My professor really wants us to have fun, even if he has to require it for homework.
So it's a downhill slope from here for the rest of the week (sort of). Tomorrow is my easiest day by far, and then Friday is no problem. Then the BYU UNLV football game on Saturday night, and whatever other spontaneous plans I have. I do have a ton of homework to do this weekend, though, so I may be spending most of it inside. Well, we'll see. I'll probably squeeze in something.
So Amber has been having headaches, and the doctor told her no sugar for a week. I've decided to support her and not have sugar for a week, too. This is good because I've been eating so much lately, and I think I need to take a rest from all the sugary sweets. It's been over 2 days and I still haven't had any unnatural sugar! I can do it!


Me + tonight = one of the best nights since I've been here :D

October 9; Tuesday
One piece of advice. Don't leave a wet towel on your unmade bed for a few hours. Your sheets will get wet.
A girl comes home one evening after taking a Psychology test and has a bit of homework to do. She sits down to do it and finds out that she's been invited to go see a collection of student made films called Final Cut. She'd seen posters and fliers for it around campus, thought it looked interesting, and decides to go. After a fabulous evening she gets home and works, and then sees that it's 1 AM! Oh no she's still not finished and has to be up at 6:30 to volunteer at the local high school. Here is the final question: Was it worth it? Heck yeah! This is college baby! Besides I... I mean she... can always sleep in a few days down the road and make up for it. Or sleep during the American Heritage film tomorrow night ;) j/k. Don't worry Mom my grades aren't suffering. You should actually be proud to know I have A's and B's in all my classes so far. I'm just having a bit of fun :) There's just so much to do and not always enough time to do it!

October 8; Monday

Okay, before I write again, I want to know if anyone actually reads this. I don't want to be wasting my time. So, yeah. Send me an email or sign my guestbook or something.

Fine I'll keep writing. If only for your sake, Spencer. But I still want to know if anyone is reading this.

October 7; Sunday>

I watched conference. I ate some amazing pumpkin cake bars. I almost fell asleep on the couch. I made a quesadilla. I'm kinda confused. That is all.

October 6; Saturday

I decided something. Grapes are quite possibly the best college snack. Reason: They are sweet and satisfying, yet still healthy. Mmm you can tell what I'm eating right now. I'm not really hungry, I just want to snack. And grapes are yummy. But not the green ones. The seedless red grapes. Oh, that one was crunchy. Mmm.
Conference weekend! Who watched both sessions today? They were good ones. I suggest watching a re-broadcast or reading the talks in next month's Ensign. Even though us girls were up late at our sleepover last night, we still were up early (okay, a little before nine) to watch the morning session. Amber made us all waffles and pancakes. Who was there this morning... me, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, Josh, Bryan, Wistie's brother and friend, Kaylee, Curtis, and Amanda. So there are still two sessions tomorrow. And guess what! It's my turn to play hostess. I'm inviting a lot of people over to watch both morning and afternoon sessions, and I'm serving waffles in between. But these aren't just normal waffles. Oh, no. These are grandma's waffles with ice cream and syrup. There isn't another way to eat them. Except maybe with peanut butter...
Amber and I went to lunch at Nicolitalia today. If you live in Provo/Orem and haven't been there, shame on you!!! It's the best pizza place in the world. It's by Albertson's in Provo, across the street from the dollar theatre. I recommend the Mark Anthony pizza. Or a chicken Parmesan calzone. But I'm sure everything there is amazing. Amber and I shared a large Mark Anthony. Yes, there are leftovers! :D Yay for tomorrow's dinner! Nick recognized me when I came in. I'm Ms. Hines or Little Hines. Both Drew and Tyler, my brothers, work there so he knows our family pretty well. So there's a new guy working there, a brother of one of the other employees, and I overheard Nick saying, "There's Drew's little sister! You should go ask her out for next weekend!" I was like, "Oh please don't ask me. I'm going to say no. I don't even know you." And I'm sure he was thinking, "There's no way I'm going to ask her. I don't know her." Haha so they don't know I overheard them. It was just funny.

Ew soggy grape.

And now I just got back from Josh's apartment. We watched Disturbia. It was scary! I had already seen it, but it was still scary. I will say in my own defense that I hadn't remembered it the first time. I was practically asleep when I saw it. It was after I had spent the whole day in Hollywood and I was tired. A bunch of Josh's friends from home were there tonight, too. Even though I didn't know any of them it was still way fun. I'm always a person who loves lots of people and chaos. And they were all way nice.
Oh, and I know what that feeling was. I recognize it now. This is a very good thing. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to October 3rd's non-sensical final paragraph.
Okay, I have to get up for conference tomorrow, so I better head to bed. Especially since I want to read before I go to sleep. I just started a new book I'm really enjoying. Bonsoir.

October 5; Friday

So today was a pretty good day! I got up early, went to American Heritage (where I found out my test grade rounded up to a B- yahoo!! It's a miracle) then it was off to chemistry. Fridays are always good, easy days for me. I always enjoy them. So by 11:00 I was done with classes! And my old friend Spencer, who lives up here in Utah, drove up to Provo and we had lunch. It was fun catching up with him because I haven't seen him in over a year. We met when we were 16 at EFY and stayed friends ever since. We went to Cafe Rio. Mmmmmm! That place is so good. Even if you don't like Mexican food. Then we took a tour around BYU's campus. He's been there for EFY but hadn't been taken on a tour by an official student before. While we were walking around I ran into Suzanne, my&nbsp;un-roommate who lives next door. Then we came back and played Guitar Hero. We had a competition and I won, of course :)
That's when it started to rain. It was SO pretty. I took a walk around Wyview in the pouring rain just to enjoy it. Compared to Nevada we've had tons of rain. It hardly ever rains in Nevada and here we've had storms off and on for a few weeks. I love it. I quickly came back and jumped in the shower to warm up before Tyler picked me up for the women's volleyball game. We won the first three matches. The other team didn't even stand a chance.
Then, the funnest part of the night. Oh yes. The roommate sleepover. Me, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, and Suzanne were all over at my apartment and we watched A Cinderella Story and Strictly Ballroom. Both excellent chick flick choices. By then it was like, 1:30 and Suzanne and Amelia went home while me, Amber and Wistie stayed up talking. They swear that I feel asleep really soon, but I was awake. I was just listening. But I was the first to fall asleep soon afterwards.

October 4; Thursday

"Technology tries to murder you in a lake". So my fabulous raid yesterday is deeeefinatly wearing on me. OMG I just remembered I have chem homework. Good thing it's only like 9. So I'm tired. Way tired. But this didn't happen until the middle of The Office. I was completely fine all day. So I'm in my delirious state right now. You know the one where I laugh at everything and say stupid things? Okay so I have a story that happened about 20 minutes ago. My roommate who lives in a different room Amber had made plans with two different guys tonight on accident. She told one she'd go country dancing, and she was going to go get ice cream with another. Okay, so we had a bunch of people crammed in my apartment to watch The Office again tonight, and like last time I didn't know half of them. So when the show was nearly over, I said in front of everyone, "So Amber. Are you going dancing or getting ice cream tonight?" Well... what I didn't know is that both the guys were right there. I feel SO stupid! I told her she could hit me really hard later. It put her on the spot, but it did force her to make a decision... She looked really embarassed. There I go putting my foot in my mouth again. Well I have a fun busy day tomorrow so I better get going!

October 3; Wednesday

Wow. Can you say good day?? I'm exhausted and have been up for almost 20 hours straight, but I just had to write about my day. So I got up at 6:30 and went to Provo High to tutor mes étudiants de maths. When I got there, it was me, another tutor, and the teacher's TA. So the kids didn't work on their assignment (we can't force them to work) and the teacher came back about 10 minutes before I left. So I basically sat there for an hour, walked around the classroom asking if they need help and whatnot. Then I went to chemistry and learned stuff I learned in high school, went to marriage and family which was boring as usual, and then returned to my spot in the JSB to wait for my American Heritage class.
After going home and reading a chapter for psychology and going to psychology, here's the best part of my day. I went to a Folk Dance recreation night! All the dance teams and classes get together and do a bunch of different dances! Some of my favorites were a way cool one from India, one called the Salty Dog Rag (kind of like swing dancing but polka-ish), and the Doubledska Polka. That last one was the most fun dance i've ever done in my life! We polka around the room with a partner, then all sing like drunk people ("Tra la la, la la la la la!!!) and get into a circle where the guys push all the girls inside. Then they do a hand clapping thing and the girls try to escape the circle. Then it starts all over with a new partner. SO cool! The next one is on Halloween and I can't wait to go. It's a costume dance, and I'm going to dominate the costume contest with my amazing cancan costume.
After being way lucky and barely making the bus home, I quickly showered and Josh came over to watch Chicago. He had never seen it! I was shocked. He really liked it, by the way. By this time it was about midnight and I went over to my neighbor's and now I'm here typing this. So yeah this was a very good day. I'm just glad that I can sleep in tomorrow. My first class doesn't start until noon! Goodnight.


Okay, I can't sleep, and it's 2 A.M. I don't know. This is really weird. I should be tired. I just... I don't know. I'm feeling something so strange. I haven't felt this in a long time and I don't know what it is yet. But it's keeping me up. Maybe I'll read for a while. So this paragraph was pretty much to myself since I'm sure no one will understand what the heck I'm talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about.

October 2; Tuesday

Well, I'm sitting in the Cougareat right now, just looking over my American Heritage a bit before my Book of Mormon class, sipping a mango Jamba Juice and listening to Bubbly by Colbie Caillat for the thousandth time the last two days. I don't know why but I'm really addicted to that song lately. So I watched that movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I really liked it! It was cute. It just abruptly ended, though, which was weird. And Wistie, you're right! They didn't even kiss at the end! What was up with that? So it's warmed up a bit today. Still a little chilly, but nice.
"That you make me smile, please stay for a while now, just take your time wherever you go. What am I gonna say when you make me feel this way? I just, Mmm... and it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose, wherever it goes I always know that you make me smile, please stay for a while now just take your time wherever you go."
Today is Tuesday, which means it's swing dance and salsa dance club tonight from 7-10. I think I'll try to go today if I finish my homework. Although I'm going to my folk dance rec. night tomorrow, so I don't know. I might just stay home and go to bed early. I have to get up early to go tutor pre-algebra at Provo High School in the morning. Hopefully it'll go better than it did last week. It's embarassing when a college student can't remember how to divide radicals, and then gives the wrong answer to one of the students.

Mmm hamburgers are yummy. I had one for dinner. So I went to go donate blood today because I signed up to do that, but when I got there they said that they didn't need anymore. So does that mean that all of a sudden no one in the entire world needs blood? haha j/k I was kinda glad because the wait was really long. That's the second time I've tried to donate and I didn't get to. The first time my pulse was too high.
And the clock strikes 9. I must go finish homework now. Chemistry bookwork (which will take like, 10 minutes. Identify this as a cation or anion. wow) And I have to read two chapters of Harry Potter. No joke. My psychology teacher gave us homework to read two chapters of any non-textbook, non-classwork book we wanted. How awesome is that?
OH and the best news of the day! ACROSS THE UNIVERSE IS PLAYING IN PROVO. I know!!! I can't wait to go see it!

October 1; Monday

I haven't really had any time today to do anything! So I have to write now. At 12:30. Well, this morning I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm as usual. But it was good this time because it was set for 9:30, which is an hour later than I needed it! So I went to my classes today and they were all pretty good. Chemistry was a breeze. We even got out early. I didn't learn anything new. I like those kind of days. Then I went to marriage and family class (boring as usual) and instead of going right to American Heritage like I usually do, I waited until my real lecture time and typed up notes for an hour in the Joseph Smith Building outside the auditorium. So, funny story. I was on my computer and logged on MSN messenger, and my friend Josh was on. We talked for maybe 15 minutes when he asked if I was in class. I told him no and we kept talking. Then I asked if he was in class, and he said he was sitting outside the auditorium! SO weird. So we were like, Oh my heck we're in the same room and didn't know it. It was very strange! But here's why we're so cool: We didn't go find each other, we kept talking on messenger. Yep we are awesome. 50 feet away and we communicated through computer. And we're practically clones of each other. So far we've only found two things that we don't have in common: our favorite colors and he eats orange peels. He even aspires to learn French and live in Paris someday. He loves theatre, likes Wicked, we agree on the same music, movies, and even have some of the same weird habits. I'm glad I finally made a friend who's not a roommate!
Well, I did laundry today. I studied while I did so that was nice. Amber (my neighbor who's practically my roommate) came in right before I was leaving. We then made cookies for our Family Home Evening group (it's like a group where we get together and play games and stuff) and then we went to FHE. Josh, Bryan, Wistie and I then watched Heroes! Practically nothing happened, though. I was mad. Haha Wistie, Amber, Suzanne, Amelia and I then performed the macarena on our balcony for everyone. That's when I came inside and finished my studying. So I still have to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington before tomorrow, so I'm going to go start it now. I'll probably finish it in the morning. Goodnight

September 30; Sunday

So, here I am sitting in my apartment. I went to church this morning, and got a calling. Yep I survived the day I've been dreading. But it's not as bad as I had imagined. I'm the Relief Society chorister! That makes me happy because it's something I can actually do. My apartment hosted a break the fast today for our building which was pretty good. People brought random stuff, so we had a different meal. We had manicotti, rolls, baked potatos, chips and salsa. And now I'm talking to my new friend Josh on messenger and watching Moulin Rouge. A pretty normal Sunday for me. I'm finally taking advantage of a bit of free time. Every second has been jam packed with everything! It didn't help that my cell phone died yesterday morning and was down all day. But I called my dad and requested chocolate chip cookies this afternoon after I charged it. I miss those. They're amazing. So this week I should be getting some in the mail! I'm excited! Hmm what else... Oh I took my first two tests this weekend. I took a test for my Book of Mormon class and got a 93%, then a chemistry test yesterday. On the multiple choice part I got 96%, but the short answer still has to be graded. I pretty much BSed on that part, soo I'm hoping my multiple choice will save my grade.
So last Thursday was the season premiere of The Office. How amazing was it? So funny! "Let's race to cure a disease that's already been cured." We had 17 people squished in my living room watching it! It was way fun. We're going to do it every week. Oh aaaaand way cool! My brothers, sister-in-law and I went to the lost and found sale yesterday morning on campus. They sell everything that wasn't claimed in last year's lost and found. So in the bookstore a few weeks ago I saw THE coolest track jacket ever. But it was $60. So I forced myself to leave without it :( And I went to the sale and guess what I found. The same exact jacket in my size for... drum roll please... $4! The day was mine!


October 31; Wednesday HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

What is it with me and my habit of liking to get less than 5 hours of sleep before my busiest day of the week? I got three hours of sleep again last night. I'm thinking of my sleep habits over the last few weeks and have noticed it as such in hours starting with Sunday night: 7, 10, 4, 10, 7, 9, 7. Sooo weird. Why I only get 3-4 hours on Tuesday night I cannot guess. It probably has to do with my work load on Tuesdays and the fact that I get up at 6:30 on Wednesday. Anyway, I'm perfectly fine today. I'm like, not tired at all. Which is weird. I guess when you stay up really late for a really good reason you don't punish yourself by being tired the next day. Or maybe it's my mood that's keeping me happy (okay, glowing) and not tired. :D

3 classes down, one to go. And I still have the reading to do for it. Then I'm going home and having dinner with friends and then going to the Halloween dance! Woo! I cannot wait for this! Who knows what may happen throughout the evening... Hmm...

I have absolutely no clue what my American Heritage professor just tried to teach me in my lecture today. That's probably a bad thing. Especially since I have an exam on Tuesday... crap. I hate this class.

Do not fret, I will most definitely write about my
evening when I get home from the dance.


I'm not going into detail. I'm just going to say it was everything I thought it would be and more. (Happy thought)

October 30; Tuesday

I think too much...

Amanda and I are pretty much THE coolest people ever
ever. She comes over all the time and we sing Moulin Rouge. Uh, yeah it can't get any better. Also, we made a video for one of Wistie's friends and he replied and was like, "Where is Wistie? I want to see her." And Wistie was gone so we drew her and put her face on me. So she was there. And it was the best video ever made. But he thought we were weird. Okay, he's lame.


Wow. Um, and wow. Wow. :D <--- That is me! Sometimes when you force yourself to stop thinking and just let life happen, you have a sudden... enlightenment. Remember to always trust your feelings.

I learned how to waltz. I waltzed all the way around the
block! And I stargazed. I am happy! Aaaaand I can't sleep. Uh oh... sometimes I hate being a girl. So, I don't want to describe this again, so refer back to October 3.

October 29; Monday

Happy half-birthday to me! I'm now officially 18 1/2. Although, once you're past age 10 I'm not sure if you're supposed to celebrate it. But we did anyway. Well, sort of. Okay, so we're going on a trip to the past. About two(?) months ago, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, and I met some guy on the sidewalk in front of our building. We were soo incredibly hyper I'm surprised we didn't scare him away. Anyway, we talked to him for about 30 minutes or so and found out he's a music major, so we Wistie said he has to come sing to us sometime. He asked when her birthday was and it's in May, so he said, well I'll have to sing for your half birthday. Then he asked all of our birthdays and found out mine was October 29 so I was the first to be "treated" to a serenade. So last night I was walking outside with Amber and he remembered, took us into the multipupose building where the piano was, and sang to me. It was nice. Maybe a tinsy bit weird because I don't know him except for facebook and that one night. But I've never had someone sing for me before, so it was nice.

For FHE my family went tumbling at a gym thingy outside of Provo. It was fun except that I can barely do a cartwheel, so I didn't really know what I was doing. And, just like clutzy me, I twisted my ankle. Of course. I knew that was going to happen. So I couldn't walk on it last night but it feels okay now. I'm just glad it wasn't anything serious.

October 28; Sunday

So I didn't write all weekend. To tell the truth, nothing happened this weekend. On Friday it was my brother's birthday, and we went to the best restaurant ever! It's called Sakura. It's a Japanese grill and you order your meal, and then the chef comes to your table that has a grill on it. He cooks the meal right in front of you! It's sooo cool! The chefs are funny, too. Very entertaining. And the food is to die for. I had fillet mignon and chicken. The whole experience was amazing. If it wasn't kinda pricey then I would go all the time.

And I went shopping with my sister-in-law and brother. I got a winter jacket, a long sleeved shirt and a sweater. I want to go back when I'm not so tired to go get more stuff because I need winter clothes. I don't have many.

So I must go. I should probably get a good amount of sleep tonight. Adieu.

October 25; Thursday

Wow. Allison + PMS = Overly emotional wreck that does and says stupid things. Pleeease ignore what I said yesterday. I promise promise that I'm fine.

On another note, I took a dance exam today. I know all of the dances, and am a good dancer so I shouldn't have a problem, right? Well, not really. Every time I knew she was watching I messed up. How typical. And I hate getting stuck with a partner that isn't a good dancer. I don't mean that I hate dancing with bad dancers, I just don't like being graded on my dancing ability when I'm trying to dance with someone that doesn't know what they're doing.

So that's about it for me today. I felt like looking really cute so I wore a black skirt that has an angled hem, and a 3/4 sleeve pink shirt. I think I look pretty hot ;) Well, maybe cute is a better word for it. I got some compliments today from workers at the Cougareat. Although most of them asked what was so special that I dressed up for. I had the excuse that I was taking a dance exam. But why all of a sudden is it "dressing up" if you wear a skirt any day of the week? They aren't just reserved for church, ya know. Just because I'm not wearing jeans like everyone else doesn't mean something special is going on.

I really really feel like watching Ocean's 11. But alas, I do not have it. I must fix this

Amanda said I'm going to die. She said my meat was rotten. Just because it turned brown in the fridge doesn't mean it's rotten. It's less than a week old, anyway. But she scared me so I threw the rest of it away. I did eat a hamburger with it about 15 minutes ago, so if I start dieing tomorrow I'll know what caused it. She better not be right.

Okay I missed Heroes on Monday, so I'm going to watch it now. Bonsoir.

October 24; Wednesday

You know what? I bet even the best actresses can't keep a certain character going all the time. 24/7.

Life hits you hard sometimes. It can be the ultimate best it's ever been, like nothing you've ever experienced, and then it all disappears one day. But this has happened to me so many times before, I know I can deal. This is going to be hard. No doubt. Probably the hardest thing I've ever done. But I can be patient. I will.

It's not me I'm worried about. I wish I could help, but I'm afraid I would only make everything worse. Tell me what to do! I'm getting so frustrated because the best thing for me to do now is to be patient. Just....... wait.

And I will. I will for as long as it takes. 1 week? 2? a month? how about all year? More? I will.

And I doubt no one knows what I'm talking about. But that's okay because sometimes it's good to have a little mystery in life. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm pathetic. And don't you dare try to argue with me. I already know it. I'm a pathetic girl who doesn't think or make rational decisions. A hopeless wonder.

And yet... I wouldn't ever have it any other way.


Wow you have no idea how foolish I feel now. I really shouldn't write when I'm emotional and don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry about that. All's well. I have half the mind to erase all I wrote earlier, but since I took the time to write it, I won't.

October 19; Friday- More like an "explosion" of a rant.

I have an incredible amount of chalk in my hair right now. My chem teacher blew up a balloon full of C2H2, which if you know anything about chemistry, you know it creates an amazing amount of energy. Before he did, he warned everyone to plug their ears. And I know why. It was the biggest, most high energy thing I have ever experienced. It pushed me back and my hair flew back. The best part is that it exploded the chalk in the chalk holder by the board, and dust and tiny pieces flew everywhere. We had to leave the room for a few minutes so the dust could settle because we were all choking on it. And, must to my professor's pleasure, another professor left his class to come find us to complain about it. Okay, he was furious and wanted to protect his precious MARB, but he was just jealous because you can't blow stuff up in biology.

Okay, I have the HUGEST pet peeve. I just can't stand it! So I was just in the multipurpose building practicing piano a little bit, and one of the workers there came in and told me I couldn't practice in the chapel. This is why I am soooo annoyed right now. 1) It's only dedicated as a chapel between 9 and 4 on Sundays. Every other time of the week it's a normal room in the multipurpose building. That what the bishop told us and why we're allowed to have ward prayer in there. 2) If I knew I wasn't supposed to be in there, I wouldn't be in there. Therefore, I know I'm allowed to be in there. So stop telling me what to do. 3) I have to obey because I can't ignore her and keep playing while she's standing there. I know she's just trying to to her job or whatever, but I'm really pissed off right now. I know I shouldn't be so mad about this, but this I get this mad every time something like this happens! When I know what I'm doing and people try to boss me around or tell me I'm doing something wrong I cannot stand it! I think this actually is my number one pet peeve. It's stupid, yes, I know, but I HATE it. I could keep going on how much I hate it. And it happens all the time. Stupid people who think they know better than you and try to tell you what to do. A lot of people just need to shut up. Oooh my blood is just boiling.

And while I'm on the topic of stupid people, I'm going to complain about students in my classes who have what I have named Professor Syndrome. You know the kind of kids who think they know everything and always have to speak up in class, try to answer all the questions even when they're not called on, try to correct you or "help" you when you don't ask for it. There are SO many people like this in my chemistry class! Example: I was doing my lab last Friday, and there was this one girl I wasn't working with or anything, and she came up behind me and tried to tell me I had a wrong answer. She then continued to try and teach me what I had done wrong, and when I tried to ignore her she followed me around. I finally got fed up with it, told her that I was right and she was wrong. She then went to the TA who told her exactly what I did, and she tried to teach the TA how to do the problem. WTF get over yourself and realize that you're stupid! And shut up!

That is all.

October 17; Wednesday

It is possible to function perfectly fine on 3 hours of sleep. I am walking, talking proof. Anecdote: I came home yesterday about 6:00 after taking a midterm. I worked on chemistry, then cleaned the apartment. Then watched TRANSFORMERS! Yeah that's right! Such a good movie. Josh came over and we watched it. He stayed until about 11, then I went over to Amber's to work on homework. But what I estimated would take me about 1-1 1/2 hours took waaaay longer. It was then that Amber proposed an all-nighter. I thought she was crazy. Until I kept working until 2 AM when she went to bed. 3 hours of work and&nbsp;I had finished my chemistry and a tiny fraction of an article critique for my psychology class. AHHHH I was so stressed! I came home and looked up the answers for my Marriage and Family class quiz for this morning. Finally, at 3:30 AM I gently drifted off to sleep.

3 hours later, at 6:30, I woke up and went to Provo High School to proctor a test called the something BSCT. So I walked around for over an hour watching kids take this test. It was soooo boring and they didn't need me there. Then I went about my day as usual, except I worked on my article critique before American Heritage (quite loopy), and finally finished writing the critique after class, and read 2 chapters of my book. WHEW I finished it all! And yet I still have a never-ending, forever growing pile of stuff to do. I have a dance quiz tomorrow, and have to finish reading Just and Holy Principles and write an essay on it tomorrow. So I've been up for 17 hours, running on 3 hours of sleep, and now Amanda and I are playing on our computers making them talk and do the lines from Moulin Rouge. Now she's making it say "fart". haha The Office. Good times. So this weekend, I can't wait to sit back, relax, and enjoy my weekend. Until I start studying for my second Chem exam I'm taking Monday. *whimper* Atleast I have a fun weekend ahead of me!

October 15; Monday


I have THE busiest week ever this week! Help! So I probably won't be writing much... Um, so yeah. This weekend = pretty much amazingest weekend of all so far. I'm including today in that category. I had the most fun with my friends! Oh my heck it was so great. I'm exhausted and backed up with work (which I'm paying for now) but it was worth it. And I owe so many phone calls to people it's rediculous. I haven't talked to like anyone from home the last week or two. So, I'm sorry everyone. I don't talk to anyone anymore. But that's why you read this! So you can still see what I'm doing.

I owed my roommates and unofficial roommates M&amp;Ms this last week. hehe. And now apparently I owe them Peach-Os. But no ice cream. Yet. hehe no one knows what I'm talking aboooout! But I do and it's funny. Wow I'm kinda hyper! Soooooo hi.

BYU won this weekend against UNLV! Woo! I cheered extra hard. It was fun. And, and, and, my roommates and I made up a new word. We are Mahots. It's a group on facebook and you have to be a Mahot to be a member. Are you a Mahot? I swear I'm not high or anything. I don't do that kind of thing.

Transformers comes out tomorrow! I'm excited. Oh I watched a movie called Evening Saturday night. The trailer looked so good. The movie was disappointing. It was tragic, but not a good, like end to a good story tragic ending. There wasn't a story that was told. It was almost pointless. I didn't like it. Oh well.

Muahaha I stayed out in someone else's room an hour and a half passed curfew! I'm naughty hehe. It was much fun. It was only Saturday night so I don't understand the curfew thing anyway.

Okay I should go sleep now. Goodnight. Muah.

PS Life is still wonderful, and even more wonderful than ever. pretty much.

October 12; Friday

Isn't life wonderful?

October 10; Wednesday

"I thought you were supposed to be a tutor. You can't do this math stuff?" Ouch. When that boy said that to me I just thought, "Yeah, sorry kid. I know I don't belong here." But unfortunately, I have to do it for a class. Don't get me wrong. I love helping and giving my time to volunteering (even if it is early in the morning). It's not my fault I've never had to divide radicals by hand in my life after my pre-algebra class. It's only to be expected that I wouldn't remember how to do them. Oh, and box and whisker plots. Yeah all my teachers thought they were pointless and never taught it to me. And what did I have to teach today? Box and whisker plots. Luckily I watched the other tutor explain one of the problems to a student and learned it. It's really not hard. I will say that my time was rewarding for just one reason. There was a girl sitting in the back who was in tears, and I went to ask if she needed help, or someone to listen, and she turned me away at first. But then after a few minutes she called me back over and admitted that she needed help. After going over the stuff with her she cheered up considerably and was fine. Wow. This is why I love helping people. I don't care that I can't stop world hunger by tutoring sophomore math, I just love being able to say that I helped just one person to have a better day and not worry. And really, I don't think it was just the math frustrating her. I think something else was bothering her. Girls can just tell this stuff.

OH my chemistry teacher blew more stuff up today! It was awesome. And more good news! I got an 81% on my psych midterm yesterday, and I went to my psych class this evening. And for next wednesday I have homework to either go to the museum, go ice skating, or go to the zoo. How cool is that? My professor really wants us to have fun, even if he has to require it for homework.

So it's a downhill slope from here for the rest of the week (sort of). Tomorrow is my easiest day by far, and then Friday is no problem. Then the BYU UNLV football game on Saturday night, and whatever other spontaneous plans I have. I do have a ton of homework to do this weekend, though, so I may be spending most of it inside. Well, we'll see. I'll probably squeeze in something.

So Amber has been having headaches, and the doctor told her no sugar for a week. I've decided to support her and not have sugar for a week, too. This is good because I've been eating so much lately, and I think I need to take a rest from all the sugary sweets. It's been over 2 days and I still haven't had any unnatural sugar! I can do it!


Me + tonight = one of the best nights since I've been here :D

October 9; Tuesday

One piece of advice. Don't leave a wet towel on your unmade bed for a few hours. Your sheets will get wet.

A girl comes home one evening after taking a Psychology test and has a bit of homework to do. She sits down to do it and finds out that she's been invited to go see a collection of student made films called Final Cut. She'd seen posters and fliers for it around campus, thought it looked interesting, and decides to go. After a fabulous evening she gets home and works, and then sees that it's 1 AM! Oh no she's still not finished and has to be up at 6:30 to volunteer at the local high school. Here is the final question: Was it worth it? Heck yeah! This is college baby! Besides I... I mean she... can always sleep in a few days down the road and make up for it. Or sleep during the American Heritage film tomorrow night ;) j/k. Don't worry Mom my grades aren't suffering. You should actually be proud to know I have A's and B's in all my classes so far. I'm just having a bit of fun :) There's just so much to do and not always enough time to do it!

October 8; Monday

Okay, before I write again, I want to know if anyone actually reads this. I don't want to be wasting my time. So, yeah. Send me an email or sign my guestbook or something.

Fine I'll keep writing. If only for your sake, Spencer. But I still want to know if anyone is reading this.

October 7; Sunday>

I watched conference. I ate some amazing pumpkin cake bars. I almost fell asleep on the couch. I made a quesadilla. I'm kinda confused. That is all.

October 6; Saturday

I decided something. Grapes are quite possibly the best college snack. Reason: They are sweet and satisfying, yet still healthy. Mmm you can tell what I'm eating right now. I'm not really hungry, I just want to snack. And grapes are yummy. But not the green ones. The seedless red grapes. Oh, that one was crunchy. Mmm.

Conference weekend! Who watched both sessions today?
They were good ones. I suggest watching a re-broadcast or reading the talks in next month's Ensign. Even though us girls were up late at our sleepover last night, we still were up early (okay, a little before nine) to watch the morning session. Amber made us all waffles and pancakes. Who was there this morning... me, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, Josh, Bryan, Wistie's brother and friend, Kaylee, Curtis, and Amanda. So there are still two sessions tomorrow. And guess what! It's my turn to play hostess. I'm inviting a lot of people over to watch both morning and afternoon sessions, and I'm serving waffles in between. But these aren't just normal waffles. Oh, no. These are grandma's waffles with ice cream and syrup. There isn't another way to eat them. Except maybe with peanut butter...

Amber and I went to lunch at Nicolitalia today. If you live in Provo/Orem and haven't been there, shame on you!!! It's the best pizza place in the world. It's by Albertson's in Provo, across the street from the dollar theatre. I recommend the Mark Anthony pizza. Or a chicken Parmesan calzone. But I'm sure everything there is amazing. Amber and I shared a large Mark Anthony. Yes, there are leftovers! :D Yay for tomorrow's dinner! Nick recognized me when I came in. I'm Ms. Hines or Little Hines. Both Drew and Tyler, my brothers, work there so he knows our family pretty well. So there's a new guy working there, a brother of one of the other employees, and I overheard Nick saying, "There's Drew's little sister! You should go ask her out for next weekend!" I was like, "Oh please don't ask me. I'm going to say no. I don't even know you." And I'm sure he was thinking, "There's no way I'm going to ask her. I don't know her." Haha so they don't know I overheard them. It was just funny.

Ew soggy grape.

And now I just got back from Josh's apartment. We watched Disturbia. It was scary! I had already seen it, but it was still scary. I will say in my own defense that I hadn't remembered it the first time. I was practically asleep when I saw it. It was after I had spent the whole day in Hollywood and I was tired. A bunch of Josh's friends from home were there tonight, too. Even though I didn't know any of them it was still way fun. I'm always a person who loves lots of people and chaos. And they were all way nice.

Oh, and I know what that feeling was. I recognize it now. This is a very good thing. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to October 3rd's non-sensical final paragraph.

Okay, I have to get up for conference tomorrow, so I better head to bed. Especially since I want to read before I go to sleep. I just started a new book I'm really enjoying. Bonsoir.

October 5; Friday

So today was a pretty good day! I got up early, went to American Heritage (where I found out my test grade rounded up to a B- yahoo!! It's a miracle) then it was off to chemistry. Fridays are always good, easy days for me. I always enjoy them. So by 11:00 I was done with classes! And my old friend Spencer, who lives up here in Utah, drove up to Provo and we had lunch. It was fun catching up with him because I haven't seen him in over a year. We met when we were 16 at EFY and stayed friends ever since. We went to Cafe Rio. Mmmmmm! That place is so good. Even if you don't like Mexican food. Then we took a tour around BYU's campus. He's been there for EFY but hadn't been taken on a tour by an official student before. While we were walking around I ran into Suzanne, my&nbsp;un-roommate who lives next door. Then we came back and played Guitar Hero. We had a competition and I won, of course :)

That's when it started to rain. It was SO pretty. I took a walk around Wyview in the pouring rain just to enjoy it. Compared to Nevada we've had tons of rain. It hardly ever rains in Nevada and here we've had storms off and on for a few weeks. I love it. I quickly came back and jumped in the shower to warm up before Tyler picked me up for the women's volleyball game. We won the first three matches. The other team didn't even stand a chance.

Then, the funnest part of the night. Oh yes. The roommate sleepover. Me, Wistie, Amber, Amelia, and Suzanne were all over at my apartment and we watched A Cinderella Story and Strictly Ballroom. Both excellent chick flick choices. By then it was like, 1:30 and Suzanne and Amelia went home while me, Amber and Wistie stayed up talking. They swear that I feel asleep really soon, but I was awake. I was just listening. But I was the first to fall asleep soon afterwards.

October 4; Thursday

"Technology tries to murder you in a lake". So my fabulous raid yesterday is deeeefinatly wearing on me. OMG I just remembered I have chem homework. Good thing it's only like 9. So I'm tired. Way tired. But this didn't happen until the middle of The Office. I was completely fine all day. So I'm in my delirious state right now. You know the one where I laugh at everything and say stupid things? Okay so I have a story that happened about 20 minutes ago. My roommate who lives in a different room Amber had made plans with two different guys tonight on accident. She told one she'd go country dancing, and she was going to go get ice cream with another. Okay, so we had a bunch of people crammed in my apartment to watch The Office again tonight, and like last time I didn't know half of them. So when the show was nearly over, I said in front of everyone, "So Amber. Are you going dancing or getting ice cream tonight?" Well... what I didn't know is that both the guys were right there. I feel SO stupid! I told her she could hit me really hard later. It put her on the spot, but it did force her to make a decision... She looked really embarassed. There I go putting my foot in my mouth again. Well I have a fun busy day tomorrow so I better get going!

October 3; Wednesday

Wow. Can you say good day?? I'm exhausted and have been up for almost 20 hours straight, but I just had to write about my day. So I got up at 6:30 and went to Provo High to tutor mes étudiants de maths. When I got there, it was me, another tutor, and the teacher's TA. So the kids didn't work on their assignment (we can't force them to work) and the teacher came back about 10 minutes before I left. So I basically sat there for an hour, walked around the classroom asking if they need help and whatnot. Then I went to chemistry and learned stuff I learned in high school, went to marriage and family which was boring as usual, and then returned to my spot in the JSB to wait for my American Heritage class.

After going home and reading a chapter for psychology and going to psychology, here's the best part of my day. I went to a Folk Dance recreation night! All the dance teams and classes get together and do a bunch of different dances! Some of my favorites were a way cool one from India, one called the Salty Dog Rag (kind of like swing dancing but polka-ish), and the Doubledska Polka. That last one was the most fun dance i've ever done in my life! We polka around the room with a partner, then all sing like drunk people ("Tra la la, la la la la la!!!) and get into a circle where the guys push all the girls inside. Then they do a hand clapping thing and the girls try to escape the circle. Then it starts all over with a new partner. SO cool! The next one is on Halloween and I can't wait to go. It's a costume dance, and I'm going to dominate the costume contest with my amazing cancan costume.

After being way lucky and barely making the bus home, I quickly showered and Josh came over to watch Chicago. He had never seen it! I was shocked. He really liked it, by the way. By this time it was about midnight and I went over to my neighbor's and now I'm here typing this. So yeah this was a very good day. I'm just glad that I can sleep in tomorrow. My first class doesn't start until noon! Goodnight.


Okay, I can't sleep, and it's 2 A.M. I don't know. This is really weird. I should be tired. I just... I don't know. I'm feeling something so strange. I haven't felt this in a long time and I don't know what it is yet. But it's keeping me up. Maybe I'll read for a while. So this paragraph was pretty much to myself since I'm sure no one will understand what the heck I'm talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about.

October 2; Tuesday

Well, I'm sitting in the Cougareat right now, just looking over my American Heritage a bit before my Book of Mormon class, sipping a mango Jamba Juice and listening to Bubbly by Colbie Caillat for the thousandth time the last two days. I don't know why but I'm really addicted to that song lately. So I watched that movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I really liked it! It was cute. It just abruptly ended, though, which was weird. And Wistie, you're right! They didn't even kiss at the end! What was up with that? So it's warmed up a bit today. Still a little chilly, but nice.

"That you make me smile, please stay for a while now, just take your time wherever you go. What am I gonna say when you make me feel this way? I just, Mmm... and it starts in my toes, makes me crinkle my nose, wherever it goes I always know that you make me smile, please stay for a while now just take your time wherever you go."

Today is Tuesday, which means it's swing dance and salsa dance club tonight from 7-10. I think I'll try to go today if I finish my homework. Although I'm going to my folk dance rec. night tomorrow, so I don't know. I might just stay home and go to bed early. I have to get up early to go tutor pre-algebra at Provo High School in the morning. Hopefully it'll go better than it did last week. It's embarassing when a college student can't remember how to divide radicals, and then gives the wrong answer to one of the students.


Mmm hamburgers are yummy. I had one for dinner. So I went to go donate blood today because I signed up to do that, but when I got there they said that they didn't need anymore. So does that mean that all of a sudden no one in the entire world needs blood? haha j/k I was kinda glad because the wait was really long. That's the second time I've tried to donate and I didn't get to. The first time my pulse was too high.

And the clock strikes 9. I must go finish homework now. Chemistry bookwork (which will take like, 10 minutes. Identify this as a cation or anion. wow) And I have to read two chapters of Harry Potter. No joke. My psychology teacher gave us homework to read two chapters of any non-textbook, non-classwork book we wanted. How awesome is that?

OH and the best news of the day! ACROSS THE UNIVERSE IS PLAYING IN PROVO. I know!!! I can't wait to go see it!

October 1; Monday

I haven't really had any time today to do anything! So I have to write now. At 12:30. Well, this morning I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm as usual. But it was good this time because it was set for 9:30, which is an hour later than I needed it! So I went to my classes today and they were all pretty good. Chemistry was a breeze. We even got out early. I didn't learn anything new. I like those kind of days. Then I went to marriage and family class (boring as usual) and instead of going right to American Heritage like I usually do, I waited until my real lecture time and typed up notes for an hour in the Joseph Smith Building outside the auditorium. So, funny story. I was on my computer and logged on MSN messenger, and my friend Josh was on. We talked for maybe 15 minutes when he asked if I was in class. I told him no and we kept talking. Then I asked if he was in class, and he said he was sitting outside the auditorium! SO weird. So we were like, Oh my heck we're in the same room and didn't know it. It was very strange! But here's why we're so cool: We didn't go find each other, we kept talking on messenger. Yep we are awesome. 50 feet away and we communicated through computer. And we're practically clones of each other. So far we've only found two things that we don't have in common: our favorite colors and he eats orange peels. He even aspires to learn French and live in Paris someday. He loves theatre, likes Wicked, we agree on the same music, movies, and even have some of the same weird habits. I'm glad I finally made a friend who's not a roommate!

Well, I did laundry today. I studied while I did so that was nice. Amber (my neighbor who's practically my roommate) came in right before I was leaving. We then made cookies for our Family Home Evening group (it's like a group where we get together and play games and stuff) and then we went to FHE. Josh, Bryan, Wistie and I then watched Heroes! Practically nothing happened, though. I was mad. Haha Wistie, Amber, Suzanne, Amelia and I then performed the macarena on our balcony for everyone. That's when I came inside and finished my studying. So I still have to watch Mr. Smith Goes to Washington before tomorrow, so I'm going to go start it now. I'll probably finish it in the morning. Goodnight

September 30; Sunday

So, here I am sitting in my apartment. I went to church this morning, and got a calling. Yep I survived the day I've been dreading. But it's not as bad as I had imagined. I'm the Relief Society chorister! That makes me happy because it's something I can actually do. My apartment hosted a break the fast today for our building which was pretty good. People brought random stuff, so we had a different meal. We had manicotti, rolls, baked potatos, chips and salsa. And now I'm talking to my new friend Josh on messenger and watching Moulin Rouge. A pretty normal Sunday for me. I'm finally taking advantage of a bit of free time. Every second has been jam packed with everything! It didn't help that my cell phone died yesterday morning and was down all day. But I called my dad and requested chocolate chip cookies this afternoon after I charged it. I miss those. They're amazing. So this week I should be getting some in the mail! I'm excited! Hmm what else... Oh I took my first two tests this weekend. I took a test for my Book of Mormon class and got a 93%, then a chemistry test yesterday. On the multiple choice part I got 96%, but the short answer still has to be graded. I pretty much BSed on that part, soo I'm hoping my multiple choice will save my grade.

So last Thursday was the season premiere of The Office. How amazing was it? So funny! "Let's race to cure a disease that's already been cured." We had 17 people squished in my living room watching it! It was way fun. We're going to do it every week. Oh aaaaand way cool! My brothers, sister-in-law and I went to the lost and found sale yesterday morning on campus. They sell everything that wasn't claimed in last year's lost and found. So in the bookstore a few weeks ago I saw THE coolest track jacket ever. But it was $60. So I forced myself to leave without it :( And I went to the sale and guess what I found. The same exact jacket in my size for... drum roll please... $4! The day was mine!

