My Diary


November 1; Thursday

Whoa. Allison needs to sloooow down.

I know. I don't want to. Sometimes you just need to.

Dang blasted stupid emotions!

Curse you!

Okay that's all. bye.

November 4; Sunday

Allison can't find the ground! She's walking in a dream, and it seems unreal. But then she wakes up, and realizes that it's real life! Can life get any better than this??

:D :D :D

November 5; Monday

"Remember, remember the fifth of November,
The gunpowder, treason and plot,
I see of no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."

Monday: Psychology exam
Study for Am. Her exam
Watch "Maxed Out"

Tuesday: Take Am. Her exam

Wednesday: World Dance rec. night

Thursday: Chem exam
TCU BYU game

Friday: Marriage and Family exam

Somewhere in there I need to go grocery shopping. I have like, no food right now. Literally. I had 3 spoonfuls of cereal for breakfast because that's all I had.
I know I'm missing a butt load of stuff. Wow I'm so scatterbrained lately. I need to ground myself. Well, maybe only for a while to get serious about my work.

Okay, I just watched Maxed Out. It's about students and credit card debt and such. Here is what I learned: Debt ALWAYS leads to suicide. So dramatic. Lame.

I had two minutes of excitement today. And those two short minutes put me into a head spin and a flurry. I am such a girl.

Amanda and I made a funny video as a parody of Wistie and her videos about me. It was funny. Wistie didn't think so. We took it off of facebook. It was still a work of art and will forever be in my memory.

50 million.


50 million.


50 million.

November 6; Tuesday

BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 12; Monday

Wow, so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. You see, I've been so busy with lots of stuff, and also I started a real diary for myself, so I've mostly been writing in that. I'll see if I can just copy/paste passages from that into here for most of it so I can keep both things updated. But it made me smile to know that at least someone was concerned that I hadn't written :) Thank you, Spencer. I'm not sure, but you might be the only person who reads this...

Okay. Guess what. Allison is no longer single! I know! So I haven't introduced you to my boyfriend *girly squeal* lol. His name is Tylor. It's kind of confusing to talk about him around my family because I have a brother named Tyler. Spelled differently, but still sounds the same. Anyway, I'll let you know that he's amazing. And wonderful. And an amazing dancer. A few days ago I wrote that I learned how to waltz, and Tylor was the guy that taught me. And we went country dancing last Saturday! It was so much fun! I can't wait to go again! I'm sure I get too distracted around him. But I love it, so I'm sure in the long run it's not worth it, but I'm loving life right now.

Anyway, I'm actually at the laundromat right now and should be studying, because I'm taking an exam today. So maybe I'll add more later tonight. But I do have a lot of homework to do, so I might just be writing tomorrow. Sorry this was a bit hasty. I do need to go, though! Au revoir!

Nov. 16; Friday

Woo it's almost Thanksgiving break! Who else is excited? Just two more days, and Tuesday almost doesn't count because I only have one class, Chemistry. That's at 10, then I get to come home! Woo! So I'm going to have 6 days all by myself at home :D I'm so excited. I'm going to get to spend lots of time with Ty, and have lots of Amber time! I'm going to Amber's for Thanksgiving dinner. Mmm... I can't wait. The only thing that I'm semi-mad and upset about is that I sold my Utah game ticket. Blasted! So I will be here, in Provo, 5 minute walk away from the biggest game of the year, and I can't go. I guess I'll have to watch it on TV.

So I think I'm supposed to have a cleaning check today... but my RA never told me what time... So I'm not going to clean... Especially since my rommies didn't clean yet. And we like to clean together so I'll wait. I think I'm using an excuse to not clean. What do you think? I like cleaning sometimes. Sometimes.

I was supposed to get Step Up in the mail today and I didn't get it. wtf? I want to watch my movie. Stupid mail service.

I think I'll make orange yams and take them to Amber's. Or make rolls. Mmm homemade rolls. I'll ask. Maybe both. Those two things are my all time favorite Thanksgiving foods, so I must have them, ya? I feel bad for my parents. They were really excited to have us all home.

I registered for classes last night. Well, I tried to. Everything is full. I did get into Book of Mormon second half, Bio-organic chemistry, and an English writing class. But I still want social dance, floral design (it's actually a GE how cool is that!), a into to nursing. Then I don't want to seem like a slacker, so I'll probably take another GE. I want to take a French class. But it's not a GE so it would be pointless. But I still want to take it. Maybe spring semester. Oh ya I decided I'm going to stay for spring semester! Yep I'm excited :D

November 19; Monday

If American Heritage were a person I would punch it in the face.
